Raising funds
We raise our own funds by soliciting personal donations and by holding fund-raising events. We receive no government funding. We are committed to producing high quality educational materials such as our posters for schools and we need your support to enable us to continue. If you would like to make a donation please contact us by email or send a cheque payable to "Chios Nature Ltd" to Anna Stamatiou, 14C Holland Park Road, London W14 8LZ, UK.
Fund-raising events
Our most recent fundraising event took place in London on the 3rd of May 2007. The London Concert Choir under the leadership of its Conductor, Mark Forkgen, performed a selection of music for unaccompanied voices from around the world in a programme entitled:
“Who loveth well… …a concert for the wildlife of Chios, Oinousses and Psara”
The Choir sang for us on a previous occasion also... to great acclaim.
After the musical part of the evening was over there was an opportunity to mingle and greet old friends while enjoying some refreshments in the crypt. The audience was able to see a display of our Posters for Schools and learn a little more about the work we do.

The London Concert Choir performs in the Greek Cathedral, London,
during our first fundraising event |