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Who we are

The Directors of Chios Nature Ltd are:

- Dinos Caroussis
- Stamos Fafalios
- George Lemos
- Anna Stamatiou
- Eugenia Vandoros

The Registered Office is at 14C Holland Park Road, London W14 8LZ, UK and you can contact us by email at


We have relied on the professional services of a number of collaborators, but our work would not be possible without the enthusiastic help and support of certain individuals who have given freely of their talents, knowledge, time and resources.

Mike Taylor, naturalist and inspiration, for the talk he gave in London in the Spring of 2005, for his advice, expertise and for, most generously, giving us access to his entire photo archive.

Preben Sejer Kristensen, photographer and travel writer, for travelling to Chios to get the professional landscape shots that set the scene at the top of each poster and then donating them to us.

Terje Kolaas, photographer, for allowing us to use some of his fine images of birds on these pages.

Vangelis Paravas, biologist, ecologist and photographer, for his shot of "Mitsos" the monk seal pup.

Giannis Makridakis, Chios-based researcher and publisher extraordinaire. Thanks for the tulips in "Spring" Gianni.

Sandy Field, graphic designer, for working with us tirelessly on the design and layout of our artwork, putting in time and effort far beyond reason and the call of duty.

Giannis Choremis, naturalist and polymath, for sharing some of his vast knowledge.

Theodore Chaviaras and his daughter Katerina for support and translation of our texts into Greek.

Laura Benzonana for her Greek translations and practical support.

The Goulandris Natural History Museum, in Athens, particularly Achilleas Dimitropoulos and Maria Dimakis, for expert academic advice on animal behaviour.

Conceptual Focus Ltd, web designer, for the time and effort put into the design and making of this site.

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