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Wildlife encounters

Have you had one? Tell us the story and/or send us a photo. If we like it we'll post it on these pages. If you are unsure about what it was that you saw we will try to identify it for you. We can't guarantee that we will know what it was, but if we don't, one of our readers might! Contact us.

Here is an encounter sent to us by John Salmon.

More species

We didn't have space to put all the plants and animals of Chios, Oinousses and Psara on our posters for schools. Some of the ones we had to leave out are on our more species page. You can help us add to this.

Trekking in Chios

Giannis Makridakis at Pelineon Editions in Chios organises a series of cross country rambles during the cooler months of the year (roughly October to May). Joining one of these walks is a great way to get fit, watch the wildlife and enlarge your photographic portfolio. Contact Giannis at to take part.

Endangered species

Have you seen a seal in the water? Or found turtle tracks in the sand? The organisations that are working to preserve Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle, and Monachus monachus, the Mediterranean monk seal, would like to hear from you. You can contact them using the details on our links page.

There are four butterflies that are listed as endangered in Greece:
Red Bulllet Point  Lycaena dispar (Large copper)   Butterfly
Red Bulllet Point  Maculinea alcon (Alcon blue)
Red Bulllet Point  Maculinea arion (Large blue)
Red Bulllet Point  Archon apollinus (False Apollo)
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Of these, the false Apollo is recorded as present on Chios! This female was photographed on Lesvos by Matt Rowlings who has more wonderful images of it on his website . Here's just one so that you can look out for its often semi-transparent forewings among the olive groves in early Spring.

Animal welfare

Standards of animal welfare are not as high in Greece as in some European countries. Visitors sometimes come across animals that are suffering in some way. This can affect wildlife as well as domestic animals. There are some organisations that exist to help in such circumstances. The Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF) supports locally-based groups all over Greece (see links). One of these is Chios' own group which is active in the field of animal welfare – the Chios Animal Welfare Society ( Φιλοζοικός Σύλλογος Χίου ). It has run successful campaigns against poisoning and travelling circuses alongside its more usual work with stray cats and dogs. Contact Carly Provan on +30 6981 307 135.

There is a sea turtle rehabilitation centre in Glyfada run by Archelon, and one for wounded or sick seals in Alonissos run by MOm. Both these organisations will swing into action swiftly when necessary. See our links page for their contact details.

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